Friday, June 26, 2009

Paradox & Inspiration 121: The Lemonade Cleansing Recipe

Designed over a half century ago by Stanley Burroughs, the Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Detox uses natural ingredients to clean the internal digestive walls of debris build-up and mucous.

What I find paradoxical is its ingredients – lemon juice, cayenne pepper, refrigerated mixture. As the Master Cleanse is not a diet because no solid food is eaten, I would take it as a fasting recipe. And during fasting, it is rather incredulous to take cold, citrus, and spicy drinks even if it’s for one or two days. I'd deem it as too stimulating and damaging for the digestive system!

Yet, those who have been on this 10-day detox process say it is safe, and swear by its cleansing and weight loss results. And what is most fascinating is most detox programmes come and go, but this Master Cleanse method has lasted for more than 50 years and has even become more popular now.

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